移动支付- 451研究-企业IT创新188宝金博网址是多少业务分析 所有标记为移动支付的博客条目// 周五,2022年6月17日13:39:32 +0000 en - 消费者移动支付趋势:移动支付需求的又一次上升 // // 2.17 vocul 1
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消费者对移动支付应用的兴趣在连续第二次调查中不断上升。We‚Äôre also seeing greater confidence in the security of payment apps, though the issue of security remains a key obstacle to wider adoption by consumers. The December 12-30 survey of 4,125 primarily North American consumers from 451 Research‚Äôs Leading Indicator panel also took a look at payment app preferences and customer satisfaction.Excerpt of full report:Consumer Demand for Mobile Payment Apps. Planned use of mobile payment apps has increased for the second survey in a row, reaching its highest level since we began asking this question back in 2014.  A total of 29% of smartphone owners say they‚Äôre likely to use mobile payment apps over the next 90 days (15% Very Likely; 14% Somewhat Likely) ‚Äì a 1 point increase since the previous survey in September and 5 points higher than six months ago.

Security is Key to Encouraging New Users.  We asked unlikely users what would drive them to adopt mobile payment apps.  Two-thirds (66%) cite Security Against Fraud that is Better Than Traditional Payment Cards as a factor.  A total of 35% say they want to Receive Discounted Offers, while 26% would use them if it helped Avoid Queuing at the Cash Register. 

Report details also include:凯特琳·巴克利) 研究与数据 2017年2月17日星期五17:59:29 +0000
物联网和支付的交叉:一个新兴的商业机会 // // 加入451188宝金博网址是多少研究分析师Christian Renaud(物联网研究总监)和Jordan McKee(移动支付高级分析师),了解物联网和连接如何改变用户行为和支付供应商的产品,并最终使交易更加集成,而消费者和企业的可见性则大大降低。在这次网络研讨会中,我们,Äôll回顾了整合商务的以往尝试,讨论了哪些成功了,哪些失败了,并详细说明了支撑下一个商业前沿的驱动因素。在整个讨论过程中,451将利用其“连接用户景观之声”和“企业之声:物联网”调查的最新见解,描绘物联网和支付交叉领域迅速涌现的关键机遇的360度全景图。凯特琳·巴克利) 在线研讨会 2016年7月11日星期一18:32:13 +0000 介绍客户洞察:连接用户景观的声音 // //