服务提供商- 451研究-企业IT创新业188宝金博网址是多少务分析 所有标记为服务提供者的博客条目//www.billcordell.com/blog/tags/54-service-providers 2022年6月17日星期五14:11:00 +0000 en - HCTS 2019:数金博188网站字化转型?更像是数字革命 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1987-hcts-2019-digital-transformation-more-like-digital-revolution //www.billcordell.com/blog/1987-hcts-2019-digital-transformation-more-like-digital-revolution 图1(从左到右)微软服务合作伙伴总经理Mark Rice;188bet金博宝是什么Kelly Hartman, AWS合作伙伴网络全球主管;阿里云全球战略联盟负责人韩岱江;图1(从左到右)微软服务合作伙伴总经理Mark Rice;188宝金博网址是多少188bet金博宝是什么Kelly Hartman, AWS合作伙伴网络全球主管;阿里云全球战略联盟负责人韩岱江;以及451 Research的研究副总裁Al Sadowski在2018年HCTS上的演188宝金博网址是多少讲”/><br />又到了每年的这个时候-注册我们的2019年托管&云转型峰会(HCTS)正式开幕!我们的第15届年度峰会将于2019年9月23日至25日在拉斯维加斯的ARIA举行。举办这种规模的活动15年不是一件小事,我们的分析师今年选择的主题也不是一件小事:赋予数字革命力量。 We will welcome our analysts and hosting, cloud, datacenter and managed services industry experts to our main stage at ARIA Las Vegas to discuss how the same blueprint that propelled technology companies to become the most valuable corporations in the world will also guide other, less tech-focused, organizations toward similar success. The success or failure for many of these organizations will depend on aid from service providers. Regardless of where they came from or how long they have been around, all organizations will succeed or fail in this transformation based on their ability to embrace change in an era of unprecedented IT innovation by technologies – such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing, and DevOps and containers – and many won’t have the in-house manpower or resources to adjust quickly. This is where service providers will play a critical role. They will be in a key position to ease that transition with tools and services to manage infrastructure on a subscription basis to aid these companies.Figure 1 (from left to right) Mark Rice, General Manager of Services Partners at Microsoft; Kelly Hartman, Global Head of the AWS Partner Network at AWS; Daijiang (DA) Han, Head of Global Strategic Alliances at Alibaba Cloud; and Al Sadowski, Research Vice President at 451 Research presenting at HCTS 2018HCTS 2019 will bring top executives alongside our analysts to share key insights on how they plan to leverage service providers to manage cloud infrastructure and leverage security, networking, IoT and colocation services to name a few. Our presenters will also revive previous conversations about partnering with hyperscalers – much like during Research Vice President Al Sadowski’s session that brought executives from Alibaba, AWS and Microsoft to the same stage at a technology event for the first time (Figure 1) – and about how to be more inclusive in the technology industry – much like during our panel with our partners from Women in Cloud and Research Vice Presidents Kelly Morgan and Melanie Posey.We will post updates between now and September announcing speakers, speaking sessions and sponsors. Until then, register today to get an early bird rate for HCTS 2019, and let us know on Twitter about your favorite HCTS moment from the past 15 years with the hashtag #451HCTS. We look forward to seeing you at HCTS 2019!HCTS 2019 will bring top executives alongside our analysts to share key insights on how they plan to leverage service providers to manage cloud infrastructure and leverage security, networking, IoT and colocation services to name a few. Our presenters will also revive previous conversations about partnering with hyperscalers – much like during Research Vice President Al Sadowski’s session that brought executives from Alibaba, AWS and Microsoft to the same stage at a technology event for the first time (Figure 1) – and about how to be more inclusive in the technology industry – much like during our panel with our partners from Women in Cloud and Research </description>
      2019年5月22日星期三12:15:48 +0000</pubdate>
<script src= //www.billcordell.com/blog/1974-service-provider-differentiation-strategies-and-vendor-partner-preferences //www.billcordell.com/blog/1974-service-provider-differentiation-strategies-and-vendor-partner-preferences 服务提供商差异化战略和供应商合作伙伴偏好网络研讨会将于美国东部时间2018年11月1日上午11:00举行。在此日期之后,录音将在下面提供。服务提供商不再仅仅是计算和存储的提供者;他们现在被视为基础设施以外服务的合作伙伴,以及混合架构中的关键盟友。188bet金博宝是什么正因如此,供应商现在更加注意这个日益重要的采购中心Research推出了“服务提供商之声”(Voice of the Service Provider),对不断扩大的公共云提供商、主机托管商、msp、电信公司、系统集成商、SaaS公司和Colos的购买行为、业务驱动因素和战略优先级进行定性和量化。加入451188宝金博网址是多少 Research的服务提供商之声研究副总裁Al Sadowski,查看服务提供商之声2018年第二季度调查的亮点-差异化&供应商选择,并学习:竞争差异化方法停止目前服务的垂直领域和增长的预期超级规模商作为供应商、战略合作伙伴的角色计算、存储、托管的首选供应商属性服务提供商加入硬件和软件供应商合作伙伴计划的首要原因采购和节省战略 admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉·罗) 在线研讨会 2018年10月10日星期三17:41:42 +0000 网络研讨会:服务提供者基础设施发展趋势 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1949-service-providers-take-control-of-their-voice-in-it-markets //www.billcordell.com/blog/1949-service-providers-take-control-of-their-voice-in-it-markets 服务提供商不再仅仅是计算和存储的提供者;他们现在被视为基础设施以外服务的合作伙伴,以及混合架构中的关键盟友。188bet金博宝是什么正因如此,供应商现在更加注意这个日益重要的采购中心Research推出了“服务提供商之声”(Voice of the Service Provider),对不断扩大的公共云提供商、主机托管商、msp、电信公司、系统集成商、SaaS公司和Colos的购买行为、业务驱动因素和战略优先级进行定性和量化。加入451188宝金博网址是多少 Research的服务提供商之声研究副总裁Al Sadowski,查看服务提供商之声2018年第一季度调查的重点,并了解:顶级服务提供商的痛点服务提供商接下来将使用哪些架构进行计算、存储、服务提供商在地理上扩展服务的领域 当他们用完数据中心的地板空间或电力时,服务提供商转向的资源服务提供商如何利用gp188bet金博宝是什么u、区块链、机器学习/AI、微服务和物联网等新兴技术 admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉·罗) 在线研讨会 2018年5月15日星期二14:48:14 +0000 数据中心转换供应商窗口:CyrusOne, Equinix获得最高评级 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1648-datacenter-transformation-vendor-evaluations //www.billcordell.com/blog/1648-datacenter-transformation-vendor-evaluations 3.7.2017 data blog post admin@www.billcordell.com(凯特琳·巴克利) 研究与数据 2017年3月7日星期二19:14:59 +0000 介绍客户洞察:连接用户景观的声音 //www.billcordell.com/blog/88-introducing-customer-insight-voice-of-the-connected-user-landscape //www.billcordell.com/blog/88-introducing-customer-insight-voice-of-the-connected-user-landscape