451年信息安全研究,分析企业的业务创新188宝金博网址是多少 所有博客条目标记为信息安全//www.billcordell.com/blog/tags/50-information-security 星期五,2022年6月17日15:29:40 + 0000 en - 庆祝第15届主持与云变换峰会——主持人与亚伦谢里尔问答 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1995-celebrating-the-15th-annual-hosting-cloud-transformation-summit-%E2%80%93-presenter-q-a-part-5 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1995-celebrating-the-15th-annual-hosting-cloud-transformation-summit-%E2%80%93-presenter-q-a-part-5 高级分析师Aaron谢里尔采访时,任何讨论管理或托管服务便不完整讨论安全性。188bet金博宝是什么居民安全管理服务专家亚伦谢里尔和温和的一个小组将在我188bet金博宝是什么们的“构建云信任”会议举办,Cloud Transformation Summit (HCTS) on September 24 at 1:15pm PDT, in the Orovada Breakout Room 1 at the Aria in Las Vegas. Q: What will you be discussing in this session? A: Finding service providers that can be trusted has become a key concern for enterprises, particularly as cloud and service providers play a larger and increasingly critical role in enterprise strategies. My session, “Building the Cloud of Trust,” will dive into the challenging topic of trust. We will look at how trust in cloud and service providers has shifted over the last two decades, how that trust is continuing to transform, and how cloud service providers are fervently working on ways to prove they warrant trust from their customers. The session will be followed by a panel discussion focused on how cloud and service providers are building trust with their customers, and how enterprises are adapting to disruptive business models, with recommendations for both service providers and enterprises in an economy centered on trust. Q: Why is this topic significant? A: While contracts, SLAs and binding promises may provide an adequate standard of trust for some digital assets, most organizations are seeking a much higher standard of trust. Organizations need to know how their digital assets are protected, where those assets reside, how and why their assets are being accessed, and that services are functioning properly – in short, organizations want to verify, on demand, that service providers are doing what they said they would do. According to a recently commissioned study and 451 Research’s Voice of the Enterprise: Cloud, Hosting & Managed Services, Workloads and Key Projects 2019 survey, data privacy, security and loss of control are among the top barriers to enterprises leveraging cloud and service providers to a greater extent.Q: We are celebrating 15 years of our Hosting & Cloud Transformation Summit. What do you believe is the most valuable aspect of HCTS? A: HCTS always delivers presentations on relevant and compelling subject matter, with top-notch speakers and panels for the sessions, but I think the most valuable part of the conference is the one-on-one meetings. The meetings are a highlight not just for attendees, but also for analysts like me. The face-to-face discussions highlight 451 Research’s breadth of knowledge and expertise, and provide us with great insight into the most pressing issues of the day. Q: What was your biggest takeaway from last year’s HCTS? A: The move to managed services and subscription-based services is expanding into most every industry and technology. However, the move to this new model is much more challenging than most vendors and providers initially believed. Many technology and service providers are trying to better understand where they best fit in a hybrid, subscription-based world. Q: Many of our attendees return to this event annually. What do you think brings them back every year?  A: The data and content focused on digital enterprises and the role and importance of service providers in a hybrid and multi-cloud world provide great insight into a rapidly changing market. I believe most attendees discover new opportunities or find key insight that helps shape their business strategies for the coming years. Q: What are you excited to see/experience at this year’s Summit? A: It is always great to reconnect and meet new people at HCTS. I am looking forward to hearing from service providers about how they are tackling challenges in security, scalability and building trust, and how emerging technologies are impacting their strategies. Register today for HCTS and save 25% by using promo code BLOG25. Don't miss our other Q&As with speakers to learn about all the upcoming topics, including the previous Q&A with Craig Matsumoto. admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉罗) 事件 0000年结婚,2019年8月28日11:20:14 + RSA会议上美国2019 -结束 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1983 - rsa会议- - e2%80%93 -包装-我们- 2019% //www.billcordell.com/blog/1983 - rsa会议- - e2%80%93 -包装-我们- 2019% 贡献的研究主管斯科特•克劳福德和丹KennedyIn你错过了它,美国年度RSA会议-信息安全的一个总理展示了本月早些时候在旧金山举行。按照往常一样,我们的信息安全团队现场与其他42500个参加者。创新是突出强调在RSAC年度创新沙箱创业竞争。分析师帕特Daly说以下的竞争,“启动一个极端,前两名决赛选手在今年的创新沙箱,Axonius和二元性技术,没有更多的不同。而对偶宣称已经发现了圣杯通过求解的规模和性能问题同态加密,Axonius专注于资产管理通过聚合的不那么迷人的问题来自企业的信息和安全架构生成一个最新的资产库存。很告诉,这两个供应商之间,是由Axonius解决长期存在的问题,而赢得了反对二元性的闪亮的新产品。虽然安全行业不断展望接下来的颠覆性技术,不管它是容器,serverless计算、物联网、zero-trust或(在本例中)同态加密,沙箱的结果表明,仍有定值创建在解决困难的问题,企业几十年来犯嘀咕。“尽管RSAC继续专注于创新,我们从与会者展示层是很多更多的相同。虽然我们觉得这有点令人沮丧,鉴于安全需要发挥越来越重要作用的日益渗透数字转换,也有一些值得注意的例外。金博188网站它可能有些吃惊的这些不是创业公司的举措,但战略供应商引入一种新的中断市场。我们看到这些中断作为一个更大趋势的例子,这是中央主题(场)451个研究RSA年会早餐:“创新者的窘境”和它如何现有球员的信息安全威胁。188宝金博网址是多少 These players face a direct challenge, not from other vendors of stand-alone products in markets segmented from the rest of IT, but from the cloud hyperscalers and innovators about how IT is developed, deployed and run. These disruptors are redefining the very nature of technology and are incorporating security more directly into concepts from 'GitOps' to cloud-native techniques. This leaves many of security's incumbents facing a daunting choice: continue to cultivate what has succeeded up to now, at the risk being left behind in the future, or embrace today's disruption at the cost of further investment in a winning legacy strategy.There were many key security trends covered at the RSA Conference such as security analytics, endpoint security, cloud security, zero-trust, managed services, network defense, DevSecOps, regulation and privacy. Our team provides more commentary on the 2019 RSA Conference in a Market Insight report, available through our Research Dashboard. Not a current subscriber? Apply for Trial. admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉罗) 事件 星期二,2019年3月26日19:39:11 + 0000 2018年科技并购前景 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1921 - 2018 -科技- m - a -前景 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1921 - 2018 -科技- m - a -前景 < img src = " //www.billcordell.com/images/Marketing/Blog/Banker_pipeline_2018_copy.jpg "宽度= " 1050 "高度= " 619 " alt = "银行家管道2018副本" / > < br / >后准确地预测科技M&放缓;去年,高级投资银行家预计在2018年反弹交易。在他们看他们当前管道未来一年,近七的受访者(69%)451年度科技银行业前景调查研究富勒说,现在比一年前,在一美元的基础上。188宝金博网址是多少2018年的前景更加符合典型的预测比去年的调查中,当一个衰退后低的银行家表示富勒管道的一半。帮助你浏览这个改变M&景观,加入Brenon Daly, 451个研究主任‚《超能金融类股,展望未来2018年的活动。188宝金博网址是多少利用数据来自451年的研究和见解,我们的年度科技M&前景研讨会将突出特定188宝金博网址是多少关键企业IT市场的趋势‚Ai包括信息安全、软件、移动物联网,将塑造与和估值在未来一年。保留你的位置! admin@www.billcordell.com (Kaitlin Buckley) 在线研讨会 2018年1月11日星期四,19:32:37 + 0000 信息图:改变信息安全支出格局 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1909-infographic-changing-information-security-spending-landscape //www.billcordell.com/blog/1909-infographic-changing-information-security-spending-landscape 企业的声音(投票):信息安全,预算和前景调查代表第二个深入看安全预算只一年一年地比较和预测展望未来,显示安全预算增加但也受到各种形式的强调,目前转移支出分配和预示着未来的变化。这些变化正在增加软件支出的形式——基于硬件的安全解决方案,运营成本对资本支出和服务端点在基于网络的解决方案。有兴趣学习更多关于企业的声音吗?< a href = " //www.billcordell.com/images/Marketing/2017_content/Data_Blog_Posts/vote_infographic/08-01-17_InfoSec_InfoGraphic.pdf " class = " wf_file " > <跨类= " wf_file_text " >下载完整的信息图表< / span > < / >,趁机< a href = " //www.billcordell.com/customer-insight-voice-of-the-enterprise-overview?& utm_campaign = 2017 _vote_security& utm_source = website_blog& utm_medium = website& utm_content = product_interest& utm_term = vote_infosec_infographic " > < / > < a href = " //www.billcordell.com/images/Marketing/2017_content/Data_Blog_Posts/vote_infographic/08-01-17_InfoSec_InfoGraphic.pdf " class = " wf_file " >点击这里获取更多信息。< / > < br / > admin@www.billcordell.com (Kaitlin Buckley) 研究和数据 妈,07年2017年8月18:37:12 + 0000 消费者移动支付发展趋势:另一个移动支付的需求上升 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1371-consumer-mobile-payment-trends-another-uptick-in-demand-for-mobile-payments //www.billcordell.com/blog/1371-consumer-mobile-payment-trends-another-uptick-in-demand-for-mobile-payments < img src = " //www.billcordell.com/images/easyblog_images/2.17_vocul_1.gif "宽度= " 450 "高度= " 288 " alt = " 2.17 vocul 1 " / > < br / > < img src = " //www.billcordell.com/images/easyblog_images/2.17_vocul_2_apps.gif "宽度= " 490 "高度= " 338 " alt = " 2.17 vocul 2应用程序" / > < br / >消费者移动支付应用的兴趣正在增加连续第二个调查。We‚Äôre also seeing greater confidence in the security of payment apps, though the issue of security remains a key obstacle to wider adoption by consumers. The December 12-30 survey of 4,125 primarily North American consumers from 451 Research‚Äôs Leading Indicator panel also took a look at payment app preferences and customer satisfaction.Excerpt of full report:Consumer Demand for Mobile Payment Apps. Planned use of mobile payment apps has increased for the second survey in a row, reaching its highest level since we began asking this question back in 2014.  A total of 29% of smartphone owners say they‚Äôre likely to use mobile payment apps over the next 90 days (15% Very Likely; 14% Somewhat Likely) ‚Äì a 1 point increase since the previous survey in September and 5 points higher than six months ago.

Security is Key to Encouraging New Users.  We asked unlikely users what would drive them to adopt mobile payment apps.  Two-thirds (66%) cite Security Against Fraud that is Better Than Traditional Payment Cards as a factor.  A total of 35% say they want to Receive Discounted Offers, while 26% would use them if it helped Avoid Queuing at the Cash Register. 

Report details also include:

admin@www.billcordell.com (Kaitlin Buckley) 研究和数据 星期五,2017年2月17日17:59:29 + 0000