云和IT服务市场- 451研究-分析企业IT创新业务188宝金博网址是多少 所有标记为云计算和IT服务市场的博客条目//www.billcordell.com/blog/tags/46-cloud-and-it-service-markets 太阳,2022年5月29日06:08:07 +0000 en - 准备HCTS -与研究副总裁William Fellows的问答 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1955-prepping-for-hcts-%E2%80%93-q-a-with-research-vice-president-william-fellows //www.billcordell.com/blog/1955-prepping-for-hcts-%E2%80%93-q-a-with-research-vice-president-william-fellows 全世界都在享受七月的炎热天气。然而,在我们知道它之前,九月和秋天的第一个迹象将在这里。9月也意味着451研究团队将前往拉斯维加斯参加我们188宝金博网址是多少的第14届年度Hosting &云转型峰会(HCTS)。分析师们渴望与我们的与会者和其他专家(包括研究副总裁William“Wif”Fellows)讨论托管、云、数据中心和管理服务领域。188bet金博宝是什么去年,他在一个专题讨论会上讨论了云基础设施的未来以及容器、微服务、融合基础设施、编排等的影响。188bet金博宝是什么在本次问答中,Wif回顾了2017 HCTS,并讨论了他即将在9月举行的会议。Q: What did you discuss last year? A: At HCTS 2017, our panel concluded that because of innovations like containers, microservices, converged infrastructure and orchestration, infrastructure is becoming increasingly software-defined, composable and converged. This trend benefits technology consumers that expect to access, assemble and pay for digital services in a simple, seamless and automated manner without requiring any specific knowledge of the underlying physical infrastructure. ‘Invisible Infrastructure,’ as it has been termed, must be instantly available, operate and scale regardless of specific requirements, and be billed and metered in a manner the customer prescribes. It just works.  Q: What was your biggest take away from last year’s HCTS? A: The importance and practicality of Invisible Infrastructure. While it works, it does not mean physical infrastructure is any less important. In fact, the paradox is that the more important the role infrastructure plays in our lives, the more important it becomes to shield users from having to directly interact with, or even consider, it.It is important to remember that amid all the disruption, there lies great opportunity for service providers which can raise their software IQs and add value beyond the infrastructure as a result. Though, removing complexity and risk is an ongoing challenge. Q: What will you be discussing in this session? A: My session discusses how we will live in a multi-cloud, hybrid architecture world. As with any other best-of-breed approaches, managing and orchestrating across these platforms can become a nightmare for both enterprises and service providers. In the session, I will specifically discuss: ·         Approaches to creating a unified orchestration layer ·         Practicalities of effective cost management given the complexity of cloud pricing ·         Opportunities for providing simple, yet robust visibility for end users and enterprises       Q: Why should HCTS attendees find this session valuable/what can they hope to gain? A: Going forward there will be less building and more buying of cloud services. Cloud consumption overtakes cloud building as the primary driver of IT spending. We call it the Era of Consumption. There is a massive land grab underway as industries convert to cloud. The more effective a supplier is in supporting the transformation journey the more right it will have to play in the ongoing management and optimization which is where the majority of the opportunity is going forward. Attendees will gain an understanding of what they need to do to earn this right. Q: Why are you excited to attend this year’s HCTS? A: Today, 60% of enterprises surveyed for 451 Research’s Digital Pulse say the majority of IT resides on-premise. In two years the balance swings dramatically to off-premises. Moreover, cloud services will dominate the market. It’s a time of great disruption and opportunity for service providers and it will be great to see these conversations play out.HCTS 2018 will be held at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, September 24-26. We will be sharing Q&As with our analysts presenting at HCTS between now and September. Don’t miss your chance to join the discussion by registering today for HCTS. admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉·罗) 事件 2018年7月20日星期五12:30:16 +0000 OpenStack收入将以35%的复合年增长率增长,到2020年超过50亿美元 //www.billcordell.com/blog/781-openstack-revenues-to-grow-at-a-35-cagr-and-exceed- bn -到- 2020 5美元 //www.billcordell.com/blog/781-openstack-revenues-to-grow-at-a-35-cagr-and-exceed- bn -到- 2020 5美元 对于服务提供商来说,到2019年私有云收入将超过公共云收入

在巴塞罗那OpenStack峰会之前,451 Research发布了关于OpenStack的最新研究结果。188宝金博网址是多少在最严格的同类分析中,451 Research、Äôs市场监测服务预计,到2020年,188宝金博网址是多少OpenStack业务模式的收入将超过50亿美元,年复合增长率为35%。到目前为止,基于openstack的收入绝大多数来自提供多租户IaaS的服务提供商,但最新的研究表明,到2019年,私有云的收入将超过公共云。此外,虽然OpenStack、Äôs的增长率很高,但与VMware、AWS等市场领头羊相比,整体营收仍相对较小。< br / >
admin@www.billcordell.com (Michael Essery) 研究与数据 2016年10月24日星期一16:54:42 +0000
188宝金博网址是多少451研究发现OpenStack和商业私有云可以在成本上击败公共云——但仅限于规模 //www.billcordell.com/blog/779-451-research-finds-openstack-and-commercial-private-clouds-can-beat-public-cloud-on-cost-%E2%80%93-but-only-at-scale //www.billcordell.com/blog/779-451-research-finds-openstack-and-commercial-private-clouds-can-beat-public-cloud-on-cost-%E2%80%93-but-only-at-scale 在最新的云价格指数中,451 Research分析了与使用各种云选188宝金博网址是多少项相关的成本,以确定何时使用自我管理的私有云比使用公共或托管云服务更有价值。188bet金博宝是什么现在,云购买者和供应商第一次对复杂的定价模型有了透明度,该模型考虑了影响总拥有成本(TCO)的主要因素,包括工资和工作量需求。< br / >< br / >451 Research finds that because of the prevalence of suitably qualified administrators, commercial private cloud offerings such as VMware and Microsoft currently offer a lower TCO when labor efficiency is below 400 virtual machines managed per engineer. But where labor efficiency is greater than this, OpenStack becomes more financially attractive. In fact, past this tipping point, all private cloud options are cheaper than both public cloud and managed private cloud options.
admin@www.billcordell.com (Michael Essery) 研究与数据 2016年10月17日星期一18:12:17 +0000
AWS赢得云了吗? //www.billcordell.com/blog/775-has-aws-won-the-cloud //www.billcordell.com/blog/775-has-aws-won-the-cloud 不可否认,AWS是目前占主导地位的公共云提供商。创造差异化是否会给其他IaaS供应商、托管商、私有云和托管提供商带来明天的竞争机会?这对终端用户今天的选择意味着什么?请与研究总监Owen Rogers和研究副总裁Al Sadowski一起参加11月16日的网络研讨会,他们将使用云价格指数数据连接客户需求和最佳执行场所之间的点,并强调服务提供商应该在哪里与超大规模提供商竞争或合作,通过探索:,Äⅳ是否有更多超大规模提供商的空间?, Ä①像OpenStack这样的开源解决方案有多重要?, Äⅱ公共、私有或混合云的TCO选项s 


¬∑         Is there room for more hyperscale providers?

admin@www.billcordell.com(凯特琳·巴克利) 在线研讨会 2016年10月7日星期五11:34:20 +0000
打电话给伦敦所有的专业分析师! //www.billcordell.com/blog/774-calling-all-analyst-relations-professionals-in-london-1 //www.billcordell.com/blog/774-calling-all-analyst-relations-professionals-in-london-1 你在分析师关系部门工作吗?这个星期你会在伦敦吗?如果两者都是,那么你很幸运!我们将于10月4日(星期二)参加行业分析师关系协会(IIAR),参加来自大伦敦地区的分析师关系专业人士的非正式聚会。我们的营销主管James Stanton将与分析师William Fellows和Penny Jones一起为我们的研究实践提供总体概述,并进一步了解个别分析师的覆盖领域。讨论将由IIAR董事会成员Ludovic Leforestier主持。IIAR成员可以在这里回复现场讨论。如果您不是IIAR的成员,但想参加,请联系IIAR社区经理Maria Ashton,邮箱:mashton@analystrelations.org。对于那些不在伦敦但想收看的人,IIAR将通过网络研讨会现场直播讨论!在这里注册参加网络研讨会。 admin@www.billcordell.com(梅根·麦克唐纳) 事件 2016年10月3日星期一10:58:54 +0000