IT管理- 451研究-企业IT188宝金博网址是多少创新业务分析 所有标记为IT管理的博客条目// 2022年5月30日星期一02:24:10 +0000 en - 庆祝第十五届托管和云转型年度峰会-主持人与Carl Lehmann的问答 // // Carl Lehmann,首席分析师

自动化仍然是IT领域最热门的话题之一。首席分析师Carl Lehmann非常了解这一点,他将把他的见解带到“自动化效率——你准备好为未来竞争了吗?”,将于9月24日下午4:20 PDT在拉斯维加斯的Aria Orovada休息室2举行。


Q:为什么这个主题很重要?A:企业要在现代数字商务时代有效竞争,必须寻求新的竞争优势。 While there are many ways to achieve this, common to nearly all enterprises is the need to improve business and IT process efficiencies, and to automate these improvements so they execute reliably and consistently.

In a recent 451 Research survey, we asked business and IT decision-makers about their current and expected future automation efforts. Of the 881 respondents, 50% stated that automation in their IT environment is mostly manual, with some automated processes; 75% say they expect this to change, citing IT automation to increase in the next 12 months.卡桑德拉·罗) 事件 2019年8月23日星期五13:26:13 +0000