RSA会议-451研究 - 分析企188宝金博网址是多少业的业务IT创新 所有博客条目都标记为RSA会议// 星期五,2022年6月17日12:24:02 +0000 en-gb RSA会议美国2019年 - 总结 // // 由研究主管的斯科特·克劳福德(Scott Crawford)和丹·肯尼丁(Dan Kennedyin)案的贡献,您错过了它,一年一度的RSA会议(信息安全性的首屈一指的展览之一)于本月早些时候在旧金山举行。与往常一样,我们的信息安全团队与其他42,500名与会者一起在现场。在RSAC举行的年度创新沙盒启动竞赛中,Innovation在RSAC中得到了显着强调。分析师帕特·戴利(Pat Daly)对竞争的说法是:“在Spectrum的启动端,今年创新沙盒,Axonius和Duality Technologies的前两名决赛入围者本来就不会有所不同。二元性声称通过解决同构加密的规模和性能问题发现了圣杯,但Axonius通过汇总来自企业IT和安全体系结构的信息来生成最新的信息,将资产管理的魅力较小的问题侧重于资产管理问题。资产清单。非常有说服力的是,在这两个供应商之间,Axonius解决的长期存在的问题与Duality的闪亮新产品赢得了胜利。尽管安全行业一直在不断寻求下一个破坏性技术,但无论是容器,无服务器计算,物联网,零信任还是(在这种情况下)同构加密,沙盒的结果表明,仍然有确定的价值是created in solving difficult problems that have nagged at enterprises for decades.”Despite RSAC’s continued focus on innovation, the sense we picked up from attendees on the show floor was a lot of 'more of the same.' While we find this a bit discouraging – given the increasingly critical role security needs to play in the growing penetration of digital transformation – there were some noteworthy exceptions. It may surprise some that a couple of these weren't the moves of startups, but of strategic vendors introducing a new sort of disruption to the market.We see these disruptions as examples of an even larger trend, which was the central theme at the (well-attended) annual 451 Research RSA Conference breakfast: the 'innovator's dilemma' and how it threatens existing players in infosec. These players face a direct challenge, not from other vendors of stand-alone products in markets segmented from the rest of IT, but from the cloud hyperscalers and innovators about how IT is developed, deployed and run. These disruptors are redefining the very nature of technology and are incorporating security more directly into concepts from 'GitOps' to cloud-native techniques. This leaves many of security's incumbents facing a daunting choice: continue to cultivate what has succeeded up to now, at the risk being left behind in the future, or embrace today's disruption at the cost of further investment in a winning legacy strategy.There were many key security trends covered at the RSA Conference such as security analytics, endpoint security, cloud security, zero-trust, managed services, network defense, DevSecOps, regulation and privacy. Our team provides more commentary on the 2019 RSA Conference in a Market Insight report, available through our Research Dashboard. Not a current subscriber? Apply for Trial. Rowe) 事件 星期二,2019年3月26日19:39:11 +0000