知识库- 451研究-企业IT创新业务分析188宝金博网址是多少 所有标记为M&A知识库的博客条目//www.billcordell.com/blog/tags/181-m-a-knowledgebase 太阳,2022年5月29日21:11:03 +0000 en - 准备HCTS -与研究副总裁Brenon Daly的问答 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1972-prepping-for-hcts-%E2%80%93-q-a-with-research-vice-president-brenon-daly //www.billcordell.com/blog/1972-prepping-for-hcts-%E2%80%93-q-a-with-research-vice-president-brenon-daly 研究副总裁Brenon Daly负责监督451 Research的市场洞察和知识库产品的财务分析,他将参加第14届年度托管&188宝金博网址是多少云转型峰会。他将在荷兰国际集团(ING)董事总经理克里斯·穆恩(Chris Moon)主持的“科技并购早餐”(Tech M&A Breakfast)上登台讨论广泛市场的科技并购。问:在之前的峰会上有M& a breakfast吗?答:我们已经有四年没有举办过科技并购早餐会了,至少没有举办过关注整体科技市场的早餐会。在最近的峰会期间,我们举办了M&A breakfast,专门关注托管和服务市场。188bet金博宝是什么我们把这个以前最喜欢的东西带回来,因为今年的活动需要它。今年科技股交易总额正创下互联网泡沫破裂以来的第二高水平。鉴于来自所有科技行业的收购方几乎前所未有地复苏,我们将扩大对市场的关注。2018年的科技交易支出已经超过2017年全年,而收购数量在2015年年中以来几乎不间断地下降后正在反弹。这是近年来最强劲的科技并购市场——我们有很多话要谈。 Q: What was your biggest take away from any previous HCTS?A: My biggest take-away is no transaction happens in a vacuum. Buyers and sellers – regardless of whatever sector they operate in – need to pay attention to the overall M&A market because the current trends – even seemingly unrelated ones – can have a direct impact on the pricing and timing of their transactions.Q: What can we expect at the M&A Breakfast?A: We’ll start with a look at spending and volume in the overall tech M&A market. We’ll also surface a number of key trends that are driving activity including a record number of big prints, with the current pace running at two $1bn+ transactions announced each week; the continued acceleration of PE buyers, who are accounting for one-third of all tech acquisitions; and some recent developments in the exit environment for VC-backed companies, where liquidity is drying up.Q: What can HCTS attendees hope to gain from the breakfast? A: In addition to the trends I have mentioned, I’ll also have some insight around M&A valuations, which is always a key concern for anyone looking to buy or sell a company. There are a number of dynamics, including renewed confidence at corporate acquirers and unprecedented competition among PE firms, that have driven valuations for both buying groups to their highest-ever level.Q: Why are you excited to attend this year’s HCTS?A: I look forward to opening the aperture and including the broader tech market into our discussion of M&A. Understanding how the themes from HCTS figure into acquisition activity – and, more importantly, valuations – is something I’m looking forward to exploring while at the event.Be sure to connect with Brenon at HCTS to discuss Tech M&A with him, and meet with all of our speakers, at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, September 24-26, 2018. Check out some of our previous Q&As with speakers to learn about all the upcoming topics including the previous Q&A with Aaron Sherrill. admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉·罗) 事件 2018年9月18日星期二16:16:20 +0000