公司动态- 451研究-企业IT创新188宝金博网址是多少业务分析 所有标记为“公司更新”的博客条目// Thu, 2022年7月21日01:36:13 +0000 en - 188宝金博网址是多少451 Research作为一家“去做”的分析公司,在我们进入第20年之际闪耀着光芒 // // 在过去的19年里,451 Research一直努188宝金博网址是多少力提供关于科技行业创新的独特和有影响力的见解和数据,我们感谢客户给予我们的认可。然而,当你的工作得到技术行业和分析师关系社区更广泛的认可时,它总是特别的。就在过去的一年里,451 Research和我188宝金博网址是多少们的分析师被三个不同的分析师关系社区公认为“高度重视”,这进一步巩固了我们作为科技行业领先公司之一的声誉卡桑德拉·罗) 研究与数据 2019年7月9日星期二11:30:41 +0000 研究团队新闻:7位关键的451研究分析师的新角色188宝金博网址是多少 // // 我们的全球分析师团队孜孜不倦地工作,为颠覆性的创新技术和构建这些技术的公司提供关键和及时的洞察。我们赞赏这种辛勤的工作,并为我们的分析师获得这种工作的回报感到非常自豪。考虑到这一点,我们很高兴地告诉大家,451 Research的7位关键分析师最近调任了新的职位。188宝金博网址是多少Sheryl Kingstone、Matt Aslett和Christian Renaud被提升为研究副总裁。Matt将与Nick Patience一起领导扩大后的数据、分析和人工智能团队。Matt在451 Research工作188宝金博网址是多少了近11年,主要专注于数据管理、数据目录、商业智能和分析以及数据科学管理,但最近他把更多的时间花在了人工智能上。他在业内得到广泛认可,每年都在多个行业和客户活动上发言,并被AnalyticsWeek评为大数据和分析领域前200名思想领袖之一。她还担任了“连接用户景观之声”研究的总经理。Sheryl以其在客户体验软件市场的专业知识而闻名,该市场涵盖广告技术、营销、销售、商业和服务。除了她的常规研究和演讲活动,谢丽尔还为智能客户服务做出贡献。作为“连接用户景观之声”的总经理,她利用自己多年的调查研究经验,推动了我们客户洞察研究的重要部分。Christian将领导451研究物联网(IoT188宝金博网址是多少)研究团队。 Christian has spearheaded the development of our IoT coverage across all our research products: Market Insight, Technology & Business Insight, Voice of the Enterprise, Voice of the Connected User Landscape and Market Monitor. Examples include the Economics of IoT Technology & Business Insight report, which he worked on with Owen Rogers, and a Market Insight report about the FMCSA Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate. He frequently speaks at various events about emerging technology, entrepreneurship and trends. Dan Thompson has been promoted to Research Director – Multi-tenant Datacenters. In this new role, Dan will lead the North American MTDC team. Dan has covered multi-tenant datacenter landscapes in Japan, Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia, as well as parts of the US. He is particularly focused on multi-tenant datacenters that are attempting to move up the stack to offer additional services beyond colocation and connectivity, including disaster recovery, security and cloud. Not only has Dan proven himself as a great analyst, but he has also been an important mentor within the organization. Newly promoted to Research Director, Jordan McKee leads our Customer Experience & Commerce coverage. Jordan is well known for his research focused on digital transformation across the commerce value chain, emphasizing major trends impacting retail, payment networks, payment processors and point-of-sale providers. Jordan regularly speaks at industry events and engages with the media, and he was listed on the Electronic Transactions Association's Forty Under 40 list for 2018.Pat Daly and Teddy Miller have been promoted to Analyst. Pat has been a key member of both the Information Security and IoT teams. Pat is an alumnus of our first Research Associate class and progressed rapidly through the development model. Pat has established himself as the go-to analyst for insights on IoT security, including the protection of critical infrastructure, transportation and medical devices. He recently contributed to the Market Insight report covering the DUO Security acquisition.Starting as an intern at 451 Research, Teddy has become a key member of the Multi-tenant Datacenter team with his coverage of the Chinese datacenter market. Teddy has made it possible for us to expand our coverage of this market and maintain our granular understanding of it as seen in his Market Map reports.  Congratulations Matt, Sheryl, Christian, Dan, Jordan, Pat and Teddy! Thank you – to all our analysts – for their hard work. If you would like to explore their available research further, either log in to the Research Dashboard or apply for trial access.

Together with Nick Patience, Matt will lead the expanded Data, Analytics and AI team. Matt has been with 451 Research nearly 11 years, primarily focusing on data management, data catalogs, business intelligence and analytics, and data science management, but he recently has been spending more of his time on AI. He is widely recognized in the industry, speaking at several industry and client events every year, and was named among the top 200 Thought Leaders in the field of Big Data and Analytics by AnalyticsWeek.卡桑德拉·罗) 事件 2018年8月15日星期三17:09:35 +0000