451分析师- 451研究-分188宝金博网址是多少析企业IT创新业务 所有博客条目都标记为451分析师//www.billcordell.com/blog/tags/165-451-analysts 2022年5月26日星期四12:01:29 +0000 en - 2020年1月1日至3月16日的重要报告 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1997-top-reports-from-january-1-march-16-2020 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1997-top-reports-from-january-1-march-16-2020 以下是自2020年第一季度开始以来我们公开提供的报告汇总列表。451 Research的仪表板中提供的内容远不止以下内容。188宝金博网址是多少登录或申请试用访问权限浏览所有451个内容。应用基础设施;开发运维研究企业网络自动化获得竞争力云管理服务研究20188bet金博宝是什么20年的云趋势:复杂之年及其管理人才驱动管理服务机会如何驾驭451的2020年云原生研究旧的管理服务和海洋:2020年的云经济学趋势客户体验商业研究数字钱包的采用:商家和消费者的视角数据,人工智能&分析研究基于云的AI平台对企业AI451的重要性:持续智能成为实时分析数据中心服务的继承者188bet金博宝是什么基础设施研究特色数据-阿联酋:租赁数据中心市场2020年驱动多租户数据中心和服务行业的趋势信息安全研究对云安全风险的认识正在转移物联网研究重大人员变化:人口定时炸弹驱动工业物联网、增强现实和人工智能的采用游戏行业的演变和复杂性应用于边缘和云劳动力生产力188bet金博宝是什么协作研究冠状病毒将扰乱你的劳动力:确保你有正确的远程员工工具策略冠状病毒将扰乱你的劳动力:以下是减轻业务影响的10种方法2020年你需要知道的10个劳动力生产力和协作趋势下载我们2020年预览报告的这些免费摘录我们在2月份完成了2020年预览网络研讨会系列。所有的网络研讨会都可以在这里点播。 admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉·罗) 研究与数据 2020年3月16日星期一03:04:28 +0000 188宝金博网址是多少451 Research在成立20周年之际成为一家“热门”分析公司 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1989-451-research-shines-as-a-go-to-analyst-firm-as-we-start-our-20th-year //www.billcordell.com/blog/1989-451-research-shines-as-a-go-to-analyst-firm-as-we-start-our-20th-year 在过去的19年里,451 Research一直努188宝金博网址是多少力提供关于科技行业创新的独特而有影响力的见解和数据,我们感谢客户对我们的认可。然而,当你的工作得到科技行业和分析师关系社区更广泛的认可时,这总是很特别的。就在过去的一年里,451 Research和我188宝金博网址是多少们的分析师被三个不同的分析师关系社区公认为“高度重视”,进一步巩固了我们作为技术行业领先公司之一的声誉 admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉·罗) 研究与数据 2019年7月9日星期二11:30:41 +0000 介绍2019年第一季度的451名Firestarters奖获得者 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1982-introducing-the-451-firestarters-award-recipients-for-q1-2019 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1982-introducing-the-451-firestarters-award-recipients-for-q1-2019 2018年10月,我们宣布了第一批451名Firestarters奖获奖者,表彰科技行业的卓越创新。今天,我们激动地宣布下一组451个firestarter;我们2019年第一季度的获奖者。451 Firestarters项目完全由分析师主导,为我们的行业技术专家团队提供了识别技术行业卓越创新的机会,无论其来源如何,并基于简单而严格的标准,让我们的分析师团队印象深刻。考虑到我们的分析师每年都要与数百家处于技术创新和颠覆前沿的公司进行交流,这绝非易事。游戏没有配额,也绝不是“付费游戏”。“任何我们认为能够颠覆现有市场的公司或技术,甚至创造一个新的市场类别,都有可能成为451 Firestarter。”每位451 Firestarter获奖者都属于4SIGHT研究框架中概述的四个主要“大趋势”之一:上下文体验、隐形基础设施、普惠智能和普遍风险。下面,我们很高兴地宣布2019年第一季度451 Firestarters。(按字母顺序排列):BigID -通用风险BigID致力于改变公司在面对新的数据泄露和数据保护新法规时保护和管理个人数据隐私的方式。Concertio——隐形基础设施Concertio的工具套件允许硬件和软件系统尽可能无缝地协同工作。Dragos提供全面的ICS网络安全解决方案,以确保其客户拥有建立弹性和可适应的安全态势的工具和知识。Filament -普及智能efilament提供完整的解决方案,包括硬件,软件和服务,将区块链技术集成到企业中。188bet金博宝是什么HPE Edgeline Converged Edge Systems – Pervasive IntelligenceHPE’s Edgeline Converged Edge System converges operational technology like data acquisition systems, control systems and industrial networks already in play at the edge which should result in lower operating and energy expenses.Immuta – Pervasive IntelligenceImmuta has created a data management platform for data science. Data scientists connect your tools to their solution and the company has governance professionals work on policies for you to help comply with industry regulations.Itential – Invisible InfrastructureThe Itential software helps accelerate the move to software-driven networks as a portion of an enterprise’s digital transformation.OSIsoft – Pervasive IntelligenceOSIsoft provides an open enterprise infrastructure that connects sensor data and systems with the people who need to leverage that information to better the business. Terminus – Contextual ExperienceTerminus aims to be the end-to-end solution for marketing and sales departments to identify and prioritize key accounts and engage with them across multiple channels through targeted outreach.Vonage Technologies – Contextual ExperienceCloud communications provider that has redefined unified communications as an open platform built on APIs that enable organizations to customize their own applications.Weaveworks – Invisible InfrastructureWeaveworks’ cloud-based solution simplifies the deployment and management of containers and microservices as companies move to be more cloud-native.

Please join us in congratulating our Q1 2019 451 Firestarters! Of course, we hope you will agree with our selections, and will use this as an opportunity to find out more about them. We welcome, and encourage, feedback; this is an opportunity for you to engage with a world-class analyst team whose coverage spans the emerging digital technology landscape. If your organization is actively engaged with our analyst team, then that is your chance to impress us, and potentially become a 451 Firestarter, too!More detailed insight around all the 451 Firestarter award winners is available to clients via our Research Dashboard. Not a client? Apply for Trial access.

that has redefined unified communications as an open platform built on APIs that enable organizations to customize their own applications
admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉·罗) 研究与数据 2019年3月25日星期一12:30:57 +0000
介绍2018年第四季度451 Firestarters //www.billcordell.com/blog/1975-introducing-the-q4-2018-451-firestarters //www.billcordell.com/blog/1975-introducing-the-q4-2018-451-firestarters Firestarterbanner
今天是451 Research令人兴奋的一天!188宝金博网址是多少如果您熟悉我们的研究,那么您就会明白,在信息技术市场中提供有关颠覆和创新的数据和见解是我们的DNA。今天,我们正在以一种新的方式运用这种洞察力,我们称之为“451 Firestarters”。云转型峰会由451 Research首席执行官马丁·麦卡锡主持188宝金博网址是多少。这是一个专门由分析师主导的项目,旨在表彰科技行业的杰出创新,无论其来源如何。每位Firestarter获奖者都属于4SIGHT(也在HCTS上公布)中概述的四个类别之一,这是我们旨在为数字革命赋权的主要新报告:上下文体验、隐形基础设施、普惠智能和普遍风险。今天,我们很高兴地揭晓首届451名Firestarter获奖者。这些组织是根据严格而简单的标准挑选出来的;他们给我们的分析师留下了深刻的印象。正如你可能想象的那样,科技行业分析师是一群很难打动的人,在451 Research尤其如此。188宝金博网址是多少我们与很多组织交流——每年都有几百个——尽管我们遇到了很多优秀的组织,但只有少数真正脱颖而出。 The guidance we provide to analysts in nominating a 451 Firestarter is simple: “Did the conversation blow your mind?” Accordingly, 451 Firestarters allows our analysts to recognize truly exceptional levels of innovation; innovation that challenges received wisdom, and that we believe has the potential to substantially disrupt an existing market, cause it to change direction, or even create an entirely new category. This isn’t the first such program in the industry, but we think it will be seen as one of the best. Why? First, this isn’t an ‘everybody wins’ scenario; although we plan to award Firestarters on a quarterly basis, there are no quotas to fill and the total number of awardees will be small. Thus, to be awarded 451 Firestarters status is special. Additionally, this isn’t just a program for startups; although startups continue to be an innovation engine for tech, they are no longer the only source. Indeed, some of the most disruptive technology in recent years has come from larger, more established organizations. We recognize this innovation diversity in this first cohort of awardees. Finally, (and this goes without saying, but we’ll say it anyway) this is in no way a ‘pay for play’ program. Organizations are selected regardless of whether they are a 451 Research client or not; selections are awarded entirely at the discretion of the analyst team. As with any such program, the nomination and award process is of course subjective. There is no formula or algorithm for blowing an analyst’s mind! We, of course, believe you will agree with most, if not all, of our selections, but some you may wish to challenge. We welcome, and indeed encourage, feedback; this is an opportunity for you to engage with our world-class analyst team. You may also be disappointed that your organization is not included, to which we would remind you that this is a quarterly program; if your organization is actively engaged with our analyst team, then that is your chance to impress us.

Below, we are delighted to announce our inaugural set of 451 Firestarters. (in alphabetical order):

Adyen – Contextual experience

admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉·罗) 研究与数据 2018年10月16日星期二13:00:43 +0000
研究团队新闻:七个关键的451研究分析师的新角色188宝金博网址是多少 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1964-research-team-news-new-roles-for-seven-key-451-research-analysts //www.billcordell.com/blog/1964-research-team-news-new-roles-for-seven-key-451-research-analysts 我们的全球分析师团队勤奋工作,为颠覆性的创新技术以及构建这些技术的公司提供关键和及时的洞察。我们感谢这种辛勤工作,当我们的分析师获得工作回报时,他们感到非常自豪。考虑到这一点,我们很高兴地与大家分享,最近有7位关键分析师跳槽到451 Research担任新的职位。188宝金博网址是多少Sheryl Kingstone, Matt Aslett和Christian Renaud已晋升为研究副总裁。Matt将与Nick Patience一起领导扩大后的数据、分析和AI团队。Matt已经在451 Research188宝金博网址是多少工作了近11年,主要专注于数据管理、数据目录、商业智能和分析以及数据科学管理,但他最近花了更多的时间在人工智能上。他在业界享有广泛的认可,每年都会在多个行业和客户活动上发表演讲,并被AnalyticsWeek评为大数据和分析领域的前200位思想领袖之一。她还担任了互联用户景观研究部门的总经理。谢丽尔以其在客户体验软件市场的专业知识而闻名,涉及广告技术、营销、销售、商业和服务。除了定期的研究和演讲活动,谢丽尔还为“智能客户服务”做出了贡献。作为互联用户景观之声的总经理,她利用多年的调查研究经验推动了我们客户洞察研究的重要部分。Christian将领导451研究物联网(IoT188宝金博网址是多少)研究团队。 Christian has spearheaded the development of our IoT coverage across all our research products: Market Insight, Technology & Business Insight, Voice of the Enterprise, Voice of the Connected User Landscape and Market Monitor. Examples include the Economics of IoT Technology & Business Insight report, which he worked on with Owen Rogers, and a Market Insight report about the FMCSA Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate. He frequently speaks at various events about emerging technology, entrepreneurship and trends. Dan Thompson has been promoted to Research Director – Multi-tenant Datacenters. In this new role, Dan will lead the North American MTDC team. Dan has covered multi-tenant datacenter landscapes in Japan, Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia, as well as parts of the US. He is particularly focused on multi-tenant datacenters that are attempting to move up the stack to offer additional services beyond colocation and connectivity, including disaster recovery, security and cloud. Not only has Dan proven himself as a great analyst, but he has also been an important mentor within the organization. Newly promoted to Research Director, Jordan McKee leads our Customer Experience & Commerce coverage. Jordan is well known for his research focused on digital transformation across the commerce value chain, emphasizing major trends impacting retail, payment networks, payment processors and point-of-sale providers. Jordan regularly speaks at industry events and engages with the media, and he was listed on the Electronic Transactions Association's Forty Under 40 list for 2018.Pat Daly and Teddy Miller have been promoted to Analyst. Pat has been a key member of both the Information Security and IoT teams. Pat is an alumnus of our first Research Associate class and progressed rapidly through the development model. Pat has established himself as the go-to analyst for insights on IoT security, including the protection of critical infrastructure, transportation and medical devices. He recently contributed to the Market Insight report covering the DUO Security acquisition.Starting as an intern at 451 Research, Teddy has become a key member of the Multi-tenant Datacenter team with his coverage of the Chinese datacenter market. Teddy has made it possible for us to expand our coverage of this market and maintain our granular understanding of it as seen in his Market Map reports.  Congratulations Matt, Sheryl, Christian, Dan, Jordan, Pat and Teddy! Thank you – to all our analysts – for their hard work. If you would like to explore their available research further, either log in to the Research Dashboard or apply for trial access.

Together with Nick Patience, Matt will lead the expanded Data, Analytics and AI team. Matt has been with 451 Research nearly 11 years, primarily focusing on data management, data catalogs, business intelligence and analytics, and data science management, but he recently has been spending more of his time on AI. He is widely recognized in the industry, speaking at several industry and client events every year, and was named among the top 200 Thought Leaders in the field of Big Data and Analytics by AnalyticsWeek. 

admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉·罗) 事件 2018年8月15日星期三17:09:35 +0000