生产力软件- 451研究,分析企业的业务创新188宝金博网址是多少 所有博客条目标记为生产力软件//www.billcordell.com/blog/tags/162-productivity-software 太阳,2022年5月29日21:10:35 + 0000 en - 未来的生产力软件第3部分:供应商需要消息到新的工作原型 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1968-future-of-productivity-software-part-3-vendors-need-message-new-work-archetypes //www.billcordell.com/blog/1968-future-of-productivity-software-part-3-vendors-need-message-new-work-archetypes 博客提供的克里斯•马什研究主管——劳动力生产率,ComplianceThe趋势凸显了迄今为止在这个博客系列的第1部分和第2部分,代表了一种基本的解剖学变化由工作需要那些最接近的执行工作,负责设计、监督和执行,发现技术,业务洞察力(创伤性脑损伤)报告”的未来生产力软件。“这个宏转变和盟军趋势颠覆大多数原型现有产品的价值主张,供应商和段,几乎所有的历史集中在满足特定的功能或离散的角色和角色。旧的工作原型的功能基础管理工作,合作、访问、报告——正变得更有价值。供应商因此需要新的形式WorkOps增长。大量自动化和智能通知、产品信息将需要反映用户和企业的释放,因为产品是启用的。技术将抽象、自动化和预测,而人们会问题,共同创造和模型。使用内容管理作为一个例子——消息需要从你如何管理内容包括居住、治理和安全直接受益于堆焊内容自动工作在正确的时间,以满足特定的业务目标。从旧到新的原型的转变还将看到更多的上下文访问和管理的工作,创造更少的线性过程,更有目的的合作,分散的集成和更真实和正确的时间报告支持高度响应决策。在创伤性脑损伤的报告,我们:给一个完整的re-conceptualization从旧到新的工作原型的转变。为每个工具说明段他们目前的原型满足。描述的功能规模经济允许WIP满足更多的原型。The productivity software category has been a stale remnant of the PC-era vendor oligopolies and the resulting organizational behaviors. This category is approaching a tipping point, however, as vendors look for inspiration across other segments and from new disruptive technologies that are shaping enterprise software. These changes require new language to describe work and the relationship among the workforce, tools and business outcomes. New functional archetypes are emerging that allow grander thematic narratives to be used to describe how this category is becoming increasingly consequential as the seed bed for the transformative new working styles, processes and interactions that will underpin the emergence of digital native businesses. Vendors misunderstand these tides at their peril. Those understanding the shifts stand to benefit from the recalibration of the entire category.Learn more about the Future of Productivity Software. admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉罗) 研究和数据 星期二,2018年8月21日13:40:42 + 0000 未来的生产力软件第2部分:工作是WorkOps的未来 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1967-future-of-productivity-software-part-2-the-future-of-work-is-workops-1 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1967-future-of-productivity-software-part-2-the-future-of-work-is-workops-1 博客提供的克里斯•马什研究主管——劳动力生产率,ComplianceIn第一博客在这个由三个部分组成的系列文章中,我们报告中指出的问题的最佳品种会赢的叙述和说明类别内的空格开门的新软件原型——“人力情报平台”(在制品)。在第2部分中,我们将描述新“WorkOps”行为WIP将支撑报道在我们的技术,业务洞察力(创伤性脑损伤)报告的未来生产力软件:新的工作原型,WorkOps和劳动力智能平台。一些怀疑的本质工作正在改变了创新的新技术,但没有正确的方法来描述这未来的工作。企业难以怀孕,供应商很难简洁地描述他们的支持。在45188宝金博网址是多少1年的研究中,我们使用术语“WorkOps”来描述这个未来。在一个明显的平行DevOps, WorkOps旨在统一业务目标,设计和执行——通过情报工作,工作流程自动化、协作和报告灵活tesselate整个生命周期为更快速响应的工作执行。WorkOps体现在当地团队的敏捷性或“TeamOps”,这是受“SoloOps”或个别成员的劳动力的生产力获得了紧急功能在他们的处置。几个趋势我们大纲更充分地在创伤性脑损伤的报告支撑WorkOps的出现,TeamOps SoloOps。应用程序地产将增长,但在这些应用程序将执行更多的工作相对于在应用程序是什么。 Improved search, intelligence, automation and connectivity bolster that transversal work. As a result, collaboration becomes more purposeful and the real-time modeling of work is more achievable. Highly flexible resource management allows work to pass out of formal reporting hierarchies into looser forms of self-organization.We describe how WorkOps is conceived less formally than project management but is more open to change and adaptation as it tools the decentralization of work into teams where everyone essentially becomes a ‘project manager.’ WorkOps is an agile and lean method yet with a broader focus across the spectrum of work scenarios. In the Future of Productivity TBI report, we also provide:A ‘hierarchy of employee motivation’ and ‘four pillars of employee engagement’ which describes how technology needs to support SoloOps and TeamOps towards executing improved business outcomes.A cross plot illustration of how WorkOps relates to other work styles.A graphical representation of what we mean by ‘the liquid enterprise,' the basis for enterprises’ future digital competitiveness.In the final blog in this series, we will focus on how, with these changes, the common product value archetypes – such as managing work, collaborating around it, accessing applications, creating assets, reporting on work – are becoming less coherent as ways to explain modern work. The new emerging archetypes require vendors to design a message around them. admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉罗) 研究和数据 星期五,2018年8月17日11:51:08 + 0000 未来的生产力软件第1部分:乌龟和兔子 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1963-future-of-productivity-software-part-1-the-tortoise-and-the-hare //www.billcordell.com/blog/1963-future-of-productivity-software-part-1-the-tortoise-and-the-hare 博客提供的克里斯•马什研究主管——劳动力生产率,ComplianceAs故事,兔子离开乌龟比赛,只有慢下来,让乌龟胜利。寓言让我想起了生产力软件类别。不断创新合作,创造内容和工作管理,工作区,在维护工具和其他领域取得了一次无聊的类别又令人兴奋。它预示着新的新星成为新的当权者,甚至有些人把“最佳品种将决定它的未来的兴奋叙事的一部分。叙述通常州几个赢家在产品类别出现并很好地处理彼此未来的企业需求。我们认为这是不成熟:企业争相给他们的数字转换效应,“最佳的”一词实际上是阻力最小的路径——一种更好的方式来做一些每个人都已经明白。金博188网站在这种情况下,一个更好的方法来管理内容合作或提供对应用程序的访问。机会破坏在其细分驱动的市场份额已经淡化需要破坏超出了他们的部分位置为未来的工作将完全不同于现在的方式。这些供应商风险被不理解寓言故事里的兔子乌龟。“乌龟”不是遗留的球员,而是供应商工具的类别“白色空间”,最佳的供应商开放。Existing product segments largely reflect the symbiosis of legacy tools, ways of organizing and existing buyers and buying rationales that must now be recast due to the imperative need to digitally transform. Productivity software will, as a result, have more opportunities to evolve from intersections across the category, segments catalyzed by new technologies such as AI and machine learning, than it will from innovations within each alone. Significant white space is defined by bringing together the reach across the spectrum of work scenarios with the ability to manage them with sophistication, whereas most tooling has historically traded off one for the other. We at 451 Research believe this white space will be inhabited by a new archetype software we term the ‘Workforce Intelligence Platform’ (WIP). Catalyzed by intelligence, hybrid integration, decentralized workflow automation and likely the growing attention from the mega caps the WIP will have a strong gravitational pull on the entire category. This doesn’t have to imply the pendulum swings to all-in-one solutions, the way we currently conceptualize the WIP entertains several enablers of what we term transversal WorkOps, the subject of the second blog in this series. The inference is, though, that where we are now – legacy vendors disrupted by better alternatives within the same segment – just marks the beginning of even more innovation yet to come. In the “The Future of Productivity Software” Technology & Business Insight (TBI) report, we: Highlight the chronic challenges enterprises face with their workforce productivity, which the SaaS and best of breed explosion hasn’t done much to alleviate.Provide a schema showing value across the tooling pyramid is inverting.Propose a technical architecture for the WIP, map the positions of each productivity software segment relative to the white space it inhabits and outline in detail the directional travel of each towards or away from that space.We will continue to discuss the future of productivity software and the corresponding TBI report in a three-part series. In the next blog, we will outline what we call “new WorkOps behaviors” that will support the emergence of what we term the ‘liquid enterprise’ – new digital native businesses, that will define future business competitiveness. admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉罗) 研究和数据 星期四,09年8月2018 15:57:56 + 0000