公共云- 451研究-企业IT188宝金博网址是多少创新业务分析 所有博客条目都标记为公有云//www.billcordell.com/blog/tags/153-public-cloud 周五,2022年6月17日13:33:44 +0000 en - 云“遣返”的麻烦 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1960-the-trouble-with-cloud-repatriation //www.billcordell.com/blog/1960-the-trouble-with-cloud-repatriation 云遣返的麻烦图1
云遣返的麻烦图2What does this mean? For us at 451 Research, we believe this phenomenon we are all hinting at isn’t a repatriation or a reverse migration, but a cloud evolution. Our data shows more businesses see the value of a hybrid IT strategy. In fact, 58% of VotE survey respondents said that they are “moving toward a hybrid IT environment that leverages both on-premises systems and off-premises cloud/hosted resources in an integrated fashion.” Hybrid IT does offer the opportunity to build a framework for workload portability and mobility to match the ever-changing needs (or tastes, looking back at the tattoo analogy) of an organization. While this strategy isn’t the solution for all IT organizations, it is true that VMs are rarely stagnant because the best execution venue (our term for “home”) changes based on the available resources and shifting requirements around issues like performance, security and availability.

So, here is our problem: how will we rename cloud repatriation? We have played with many ideas like workload (re)balancing and liquid workloads (no, we are not suggesting you water your workload like a plant – water and electronics still do not mix), but those don’t sit well with us either. Tweet us your ideas for a new term, one that fits the "fluid" nature of the best execution venue for workloads and hybrid IT. 

admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉·罗) 研究与数据 2018年8月3日星期五13:30:32 +0000