马特Aslett - 451188宝金博网址是多少的研究,分析企业的业务创新 所有博客条目标记为马特Aslett//www.billcordell.com/blog/tags/148-matt-aslett 星期五,2022年6月17日11:42:47 + 0000 en - 关键分析师观点综述从谷歌云下的19所示 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1985-key-analyst-insight-roundup-from-google-cloud-next-%E2%80%9819 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1985-key-analyst-insight-roundup-from-google-cloud-next-%E2%80%9819 本月由研究副总裁马特AslettEarlier,跨多个通道学科451个研究的一些分析人士加入30000 +谷歌云下与会者在旧金山。188宝金博网址是多少在前几年,事件允许我们的团队思考以及谷歌是否能够将它的受欢迎程度与开发人员转化为企业采用。有参加谷歌云下的所有三个事件(以及前面的GCP的下一个事件在2016年),我们发现它有趣的观看事件越来越面向企业,而谷歌云业务试图维持其参与开发人员和公司。尽管后者仍然能够实验使用谷歌的云服务,他们的心的内容有一个清晰的策略从公司转移到其销售团队关注主要部署将大规模投入生产。188bet金博宝是什么这将越来越多地涉及到谷歌内部工程师参与与企业客户更直接,尤其是人工智能项目,构建可重复的剧本,转型的用例。这样做可能会要求公司更充分地参与咨询和服务提供者,以及建立自己的专业服务机构。188bet金博宝是什么整体考虑企业战略的时候,我们发现,虽然谷歌云无疑与企业客户多年来已经取得了一些成绩,旗舰客户,如Spotify,往往是数字。故意试图重新调整其销售策略降落更传统的旗舰账户,但它是公平地说,与企业客户,同时保持谷歌与开发商的关系并没有一个简单的平衡。新任首席执行官Thomas Kurian概述公司是企业雇佣更多的销售人员,但这只是一个方面,谷歌是如何改变,已经开始改变库里的任命之前,解决企业客户。另一个值得注意的变化是谷歌更善解人意的方法满足客户在哪里——接受,尽管许多潜在客户可能会喜欢“运行像Google,”遗留本地投资结合采用其他云服务通常不使这成为可能。188bet金博宝是什么 The launch of the Anthos hybrid cloud platform for on-premises and multi-cloud application development and management is a good indication of that strategy change, while there has also been a detectable change of emphasis toward describing Google Cloud Platform less as a destination and more as an engine for digital transformation. There is also a greater focus on use cases and ‘solutions' rather than stand-alone products/services. This should serve the company well, particularly in relation to AI and ML, although it will also likely require an increased investment in consulting and professional services.What we have provided here are only some of the high-level impressions from our analysts. 451 Research subscribers can access this Market Insight report in our Research Dashboard that features all the high-level takes on the most interesting developments from the conference across hybrid- and multi-cloud, AI and machine learning, data and analytics, security, workforce productivity, and IoT. Not a current subscriber? Apply for a Trial. admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉罗) 事件 星期一,2019年4月29日11:00:03 + 0000 准备与研究副总裁马特Aslett hct -问答 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1958-prepping-for-hcts-%E2%80%93-q-a-with-research-director-matt-aslett //www.billcordell.com/blog/1958-prepping-for-hcts-%E2%80%93-q-a-with-research-director-matt-aslett < img src = " //www.billcordell.com/images/Vote_digital_pulse_2017_-_Matt_QA.png " alt = "投票马特数码脉冲2017 QA”风格= "显示:块;保证金:10 px汽车;“宽度= " 800 "高度= " 450 " / > < br / >接下来在我们“准备hct - Q&”系列中,我采访了研究副总裁马特Aslett。马特已经全面负责给出的数据平台和分析覆盖率和他去年at  HCTS  2013年。问:你会讨论在这个会话吗?答:我们的研究表明,人工智能(AI)和机器学习(毫升)中最高优先级为企业和服务提供商寻求实现数据驱动的效率和竞争优势——29%的受访者排名ML /人工智能作为一个优先级为2018,目前12%的受访者使用这些技术(见图1).AI和ML从根本上改变人类和计算机之间的关系,因为任务认为以前电脑——范围之外,因此完全的人类,正在迅速成为可能的使用软件。事实上,47%的受访者说,他们计划使用人工智能和机器学习在未来两年。我将谈论451对人工智能和ML的看法,可能他们有重大的长期变化,以及可能直接影响基础设施和服务提供。问:为什么hct与会者发现这个会话有价值/他们希望获得什么?答:4188宝金博网址是多少51个研究认为,人工智能不仅将改变软件产业,还有我们的生活方式,工作,学习和娱乐。然而,虽然AI的长期影响是真正革命性的,最初的改进可能会出现相对常规和狭窄的。这种二分法有可能创建幻灭但是是理所当然的技术革命的历史。人类感知未来的能力往往是有限的我们当前的现实,同时倾向于高估短期收益而低估了长期的影响。 Within this context, we’ll discuss some of the anticipated benefits of AI and machine learning for infrastructure and service provision in particular: from automating IT service desks to ensuring data centers are run as efficiently as possible to capacity forecasting. The potential to apply these technologies is so vast that the challenge can be knowing where to deploy resources first. As such, we’ll also provide a practical guide to early AI use-cases and examples, 451 Research’s five-step process for success with machine learning and cover key questions such as: Why now for AI and machine learning and how to get started?How and AI and ML help me run my data centers more efficiently?How can elements of IT service provision be automated using AI and ML?Q: Why are you excited to attend this year’s HCTS?A: HCTS is always a great event with a mixture of interesting and educational content as well as the ability to socialize with like-minded decision-makers and thought-leaders. As usual, there’s a great agenda with interesting presentations and discussions involving both 451 Research analysts and industry luminaries. This year’s event promises to be particularly interesting given the emergence of the age on consumption, as well as the confluence of multiple industry trends, including cloud, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence.To hear Matt discuss applications for AI within the enterprise, register for HCTS 2018 which will be held at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, September 24-26. Keep an eye out for the other posts in our ongoing series, including our Q&A with William Fellows. Figure 1 from Voice of the Enterprise (VoTE) – Digital Pulse: Budgets and Outlooks 2017 admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉罗) 事件 结婚,2018年8月01 15:21:17 + 0000