数据集市- 451研究-企业188宝金博网址是多少IT创新业务分析 所有博客条目都标记为数据集市//www.billcordell.com/blog/tags/144-data-bazaar 2022年5月28日星期六18:25:25 +0000 en - 用企业数据集市创造价值 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1956-creating-value-with-an-enterprise-data-bazaar //www.billcordell.com/blog/1956-creating-value-with-an-enterprise-data-bazaar 首席研究员:Katy Ring, IT服务研究总监在451 Research,我们相信“企业数据集市”188bet金博宝是什么可以帮助那些旨在通过使188宝金博网址是多少用数据来告知业务方向和发展的组织变得更加敏捷。短语“企业数据集市”是一个术语,用于定义一个环境,在这个环境中,许多人可以访问和利用这些信息来构建数据驱动的产品。为了实现这一点,企业需要统一的数据管理层,以便数据科学家和主题问题专家可以决定如何处理存储的数据。这些层允许使用数据集(或数据湖)来提供价值,而不必将信息封闭在组织内部。然而,许多组织最终陷入了可以被描述为“数据沼泽”的境地——一个容纳了大量原始数据的单一环境,不能以任何目的轻松访问,更不用说多种用途了。用这些管理层创建一个数据集市,通过构建数据治理和自助数据准备功能,将安全性放在该方法的基础上,从而打破这种困境。当我们与拥有数据湖的客户交谈时,许多人都意识到他们没有完全理解与他们所构建的相关的风险。由于每个源系统有不同的治理和安全策略,作为合规措施的一部分,公司很难对其湖泊进行审计。这种斗争是由数据湖的自助特性引起的,数据可以用于几乎任何目的,这使得人们不清楚一家公司是否将PII数据作为GDPR等法规的一部分来保护。当公司处于这种情况下,供应商和服务提供商正在为首席数据官(CDO)开放一个内部角色,可以帮助业务回到正轨。这个小组可以一起为这种情况找出补救办法。 One solution is to build a “sandbox” environment that includes company-wide policy, controls and metadata management with a ‘citizen’ data integrator tool which allows the user to give back or develop analytics on how they are using the data. With this type of tool, users can still access data in a self-service way and allow that access to be overseen by the IT group or CDO before it moves to production as a data product. In addition to this self-service ‘sandbox’ data preparation layer, IT service providers can help companies with data governance and the data supply chain. Such providers assist in sourcing, managing and enriching the data, and sell managed services for policing data consumption. For example, in an audit, organizations need to know the data they hold, who uses it and what for. This regulation provides a strong opportunity for developing the enterprise data bazaar.Furthermore, the self-service analytics and governance layers need to be architected the right way to enable a range of use cases over time, and this is often not what results from the development of a single-use-case project. Therefore a CDO role is so very important: this individual is the internal champion with authority to get agreement on a company-wide strategy for the capture, management and sharing of data. Katy Ring, research director of IT services at 451 Research, examines the benefits of enterprise data bazaar, the technologies, service providers and strategies used to enable them in her Technology and Business Impact report on the Enterprise Data Bazaar. Learn more about this report. admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉·罗) 研究与数据 2018年7月24日星期二12:30:34 +0000