数据管理- 451研究-分析企业IT188宝金博网址是多少创新业务 所有标记为数据管理的博客条目//www.billcordell.com/blog/tags/138-data-management 2022年6月17日星期五11:46:31 +0000 en - 采用一种新的非结构化数据管理方法 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1988-taking-a-new-approach-to-unstructured-data-management //www.billcordell.com/blog/1988-taking-a-new-approach-to-unstructured-data-management Written by: Steven Hill -应用基础设施和存储技术高级分析师- 451 research企业存储从来都不是一件容易的事。188宝金博网址是多少业务依赖于数据——所有的数据都始于和结束于存储——但我们处理数据的一般方式,特别是非结构化数据,并没有真正与IT行业的其他部分同步发展。当然,我们已经大大提高了存储速度和容量,但我们还没有解决由于性能和密度的提高而导致的存储增长的真正问题;更不用说管理跨越全球多个混合存储环境的数据增长的挑战了。事实是,你无法控制你看不到的东西;因此,越来越多的企业支付大量的钱来反复存储相同数据的多个副本。或者更糟糕的是,保留同一数据的多个版本,而它们之间根本没有任何引用。这种在多个存储平台之间的大规模数据碎片可能是未受抑制的存储增长的主要来源之一;除此之外,“保留一切”的数据管理方法还带来了新的风险。基于隐私的倡议,如欧盟的GDPR和加州的CCPA-2018,需要对许多垂直市场的存储政策进行全面的重新评估,以确保遵守这些新法规,以按需确保包含个人身份信息(PII)的数据的安全、保护、交付、编辑、匿名和认证删除。 While this can be a more manageable problem for database information, it’s a far greater challenge for unstructured data such as documents, video and images that make up a growing majority of enterprise data storage. Without some form of identification this data goes “dark” soon after it leaves the direct control of its creator, and initiatives like GDPR don’t make a distinction between structured and unstructured data. There can be a number of perfectly good reasons for maintaining similar or matching data sets at multiple locations, such as data protection or increased availability. The real challenge lies in being able to maintain policy-based control of that data regardless of physical location, while at the same time making it available to the right people for the right reasons. Documents and media such as images, audio and video are making up a growing percentage of overall business data, and companies have a vested interest in making continued use of that data. But at the same time, there can be serious legal ramifications for not managing all this data properly that could potentially cost companies millions.The cloud has changed the IT delivery model forever; and with a hybrid infrastructure, business IT is no longer limited by space, power and capital investment. The decisions regarding workload and data placement can now be based on the best combination of business needs, economics, performance and availability rather than by location alone; but with that freedom comes a need to extend data visibility, governance and policy to data wherever it may be. In this context, the problems of data fragmentation across multiple systems are almost inevitable; so, it really comes down to accepting this as a new challenge and adopting next-generation storage management based on an understanding of what our data is, rather than where it is. Mass data fragmentation is a problem that existed before the cloud, but fortunately the technology needed to fix this is already available. From an unstructured data perspective, we believe this involves embracing a modern approach that can span data silos for backups, archives, file shares, testing and development data sets and object stores on that bridges on-premises, public cloud and at the edge. A platform-based approach can help to give you visibility into your data, wherever that data resides, and more importantly, can help you maintain greater control by reducing the number of data copies, managing storage costs, and ensuring your data stays in compliance and backed up properly. We also think an ideal solution seamlessly blends legacy, file-based storage with the management flexibility and scalability offered by metadata-based object storage. This requires a fundamental shift in the way we’ve addressed unstructured data management in the past; but it’s a change that offers the benefits of greater data availability and storage-level automation and provides a new set of options for controlling and protecting business data that’s both a major business asset and a potential liability if not handled correctly.  admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉·罗) 研究与数据 Thu, 2019年6月27日18:15:28 +0000 用企业数据集市创造价值 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1956-creating-value-with-an-enterprise-data-bazaar //www.billcordell.com/blog/1956-creating-value-with-an-enterprise-data-bazaar 首席研究员:Katy Ring, IT服务研究总监在451 Research,我们相信“企业数据集市”188bet金博宝是什么可以帮助那些旨在通过使188宝金博网址是多少用数据来告知业务方向和发展的组织变得更加敏捷。短语“企业数据集市”是一个术语,用于定义一个环境,在这个环境中,许多人可以访问和利用这些信息来构建数据驱动的产品。为了实现这一点,企业需要统一的数据管理层,以便数据科学家和主题问题专家可以决定如何处理存储的数据。这些层允许使用数据集(或数据湖)来提供价值,而不必将信息封闭在组织内部。然而,许多组织最终陷入了可以被描述为“数据沼泽”的境地——一个容纳了大量原始数据的单一环境,不能以任何目的轻松访问,更不用说多种用途了。用这些管理层创建一个数据集市,通过构建数据治理和自助数据准备功能,将安全性放在该方法的基础上,从而打破这种困境。当我们与拥有数据湖的客户交谈时,许多人都意识到他们没有完全理解与他们所构建的相关的风险。由于每个源系统有不同的治理和安全策略,作为合规措施的一部分,公司很难对其湖泊进行审计。这种斗争是由数据湖的自助特性引起的,数据可以用于几乎任何目的,这使得人们不清楚一家公司是否将PII数据作为GDPR等法规的一部分来保护。当公司处于这种情况下,供应商和服务提供商正在为首席数据官(CDO)开放一个内部角色,可以帮助业务回到正轨。这个小组可以一起为这种情况找出补救办法。 One solution is to build a “sandbox” environment that includes company-wide policy, controls and metadata management with a ‘citizen’ data integrator tool which allows the user to give back or develop analytics on how they are using the data. With this type of tool, users can still access data in a self-service way and allow that access to be overseen by the IT group or CDO before it moves to production as a data product. In addition to this self-service ‘sandbox’ data preparation layer, IT service providers can help companies with data governance and the data supply chain. Such providers assist in sourcing, managing and enriching the data, and sell managed services for policing data consumption. For example, in an audit, organizations need to know the data they hold, who uses it and what for. This regulation provides a strong opportunity for developing the enterprise data bazaar.Furthermore, the self-service analytics and governance layers need to be architected the right way to enable a range of use cases over time, and this is often not what results from the development of a single-use-case project. Therefore a CDO role is so very important: this individual is the internal champion with authority to get agreement on a company-wide strategy for the capture, management and sharing of data. Katy Ring, research director of IT services at 451 Research, examines the benefits of enterprise data bazaar, the technologies, service providers and strategies used to enable them in her Technology and Business Impact report on the Enterprise Data Bazaar. Learn more about this report. admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉·罗) 研究与数据 2018年7月24日星期二12:30:34 +0000 评估数据科学对分析领域的影响 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1952-assessing-the-impact-of-data-science-on-the-analytics-landscape //www.billcordell.com/blog/1952-assessing-the-impact-of-data-science-on-the-analytics-landscape 数据科学的发展——包括机器学习、深度学习和其他形式的人工智能——近年来对数据分析领域产生了重大影响,并有望在未来几年推动市场发生相当大的变化。作为回应,451 Rese188宝金博网址是多少arch的新数据管理和分析市场地图2018包括对我们的分析市场地图的完全重新分类,以反映当今分析用户和用例的现实,将分析市场划分为四个关键领域:分析工具分析平台数据科学工具数据科学平台在本次网络研讨会期间,451 Research的数据平台和分析研究总监Matt Aslett,将解释新分类背后的基本原理和定义,以及确定将塑造分析和数据科学市场的关键挑战和创新,以及收入和增长预期。网络研讨会还将涉及2018年数据管理和分析市场地图的其他方面,包括:企业绩效管理的持续发展、数据科学管理对数据管理市场地图的添加 admin@www.billcordell.com(卡桑德拉·罗) 在线研讨会 2018年7月2日星期一20:30:44 +0000