企业IT创新业务分188宝金博网址是多少析研究 所有标记为谷歌的博客条目// 2022年6月17日星期五12:21:42 +0000 en - 超规模企业提供的物联网产品有多贵? // // 首席研究员:欧文·罗杰斯,数字经济部门研究总监,克里斯蒂安·雷诺,物联网451研究中心研究总监,最近出版了《科技与发展》。188宝金博网址是多少Business Insight:物联网经济学报告,该报告比较了AWS、谷歌和微软这三家领先的超规模企业的云物联网产品的定价模式和成本。451企业物联网研究之声调查的受访者将这三家大型公共云提供商确定为领先的物联网平台供应商。188宝金博网址是多少要发现这些结果绝非易事。AWS IoT Core、谷歌IoT Core和Microsoft Azure IoT Hub的相关成本结构非常不同,几乎不可能进行人工成本比较。即使定价模型看起来很简单,细微的差异也可能带来巨大的成本影响。例如,影响成本的一个隐藏元素是,每个提供者对消息的构成都有自己的定义。一些物联网平台不对只有几个字节的“保持存活”消息收费,而其他平台则会收费。事实上,一些云提供商将这样的小消息集中到最近的千字节。这将导致64字节的“ping”消息被收取17倍的容量费用。为了解释这些差异并有效完成他们的分析,分析师仔细确定了9个与超规模云物联网平台成本有关的定价参数。这些参数仍然会导致数以百万计的排列,其中一个供应商比另一个更划算。 The only approach was to price all possible combinations and understand the differences using machine-learning techniques.The analysts constructed a Python simulation that performed 10 million comparisons of US pricing. Each simulated scenario had a randomly selected configuration of the nine price-impacting parameters. Resulting data was then fed into an analytics platform that produced a Chi-square automatic interaction detection (CHAID) decision tree. The tree revealed which combinations of the parameters drove which provider (AWS, Google or Microsoft) to be the cheapest with a predictive strength of 96%. Overall, the 451 Research Digital Economics Unit's methodology deduced that Microsoft Azure is the cheapest at scale, but AWS is the least expensive IoT provider for deployments of less than 20,000 devices that each send an average of three messages or fewer at under 6KB a minute. Google was not found to be exclusively the cheapest in any scenario.To learn more about what factors drive the cloud-related costs of Internet of Things deployments, and in which scenarios each cloud provider has a cost advantage, register below for our webinar on June 13 at 1:00 pm ET.卡桑德拉·罗) 研究与数据 2018年6月01日星期五18:30:43 +0000