应用容器市场- 451研究-企业IT创新业务分析188宝金博网址是多少 所有博客条目都标记为应用程序容器市场//www.billcordell.com/blog/tags/112-application-container-market 2022年7月21日星期四01:33:29 +0000 en - 到2020年,应用程序容器的市场规模将达到27亿美元,这是云支持技术(Cloud-Enabling Technologies)市场中规模虽小但增长迅速的一个部分 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1351-application-containers-will-be-a- 2 - 70亿-市场- - 2020美元,-representing-a-small-but-high-growth-segment-of-the-cloud-enabling-technologies-market //www.billcordell.com/blog/1351-application-containers-will-be-a- 2 - 70亿-市场- - 2020美元,-representing-a-small-but-high-growth-segment-of-the-cloud-enabling-technologies-market 根据451 Research, Äôs最新的云支持技术(CET)市场监测,应用程序容器市场将从2016年的7.62亿美元增长到2020年的27亿美元。188宝金博网址是多少尽管应用程序容器在CET市场中所占的份额相对较小,但与其他细分市场相比,应用程序容器的增长速度将最快,预计CAGR将达到40%。关于紧急应用程序容器生态系统最值得注意的事情之一是,大大小小的供应商都有意利用或提供应用程序容器技术和支持。451 has identified and currently tracks 125 individual application container vendors ‚Äì and we expect new market entrants to emerge quarterly, including many yet to be identified as container providers. While containers have enjoyed a great deal of attention and hype in the enterprise, adoption and revenue are just starting to emerge. Though it is still early days for containers in the enterprise, our research has revealed increased movement beyond development and testing to production use. 451 Research‚Äôs Voice of the Enterprise: Software-Defined Infrastructure Workloads and Key Projects survey conducted in April and May 2016 showed that of the roughly 25% of enterprises we surveyed who use containers, 34% were in broad implementation of production applications and 28% had begun initial implementation of production applications with containers. This is an impressive adoption growth profile for a technology that has only been in the enterprise for a few years.About Market Monitor: Cloud-Enabling Technologies 451 Research Market Monitor & Forecast provides a bottom-up analysis with individual estimates and forecasts for each market. The container market sizing has been added along with Private PaaS to our existing and ongoing Cloud-Enabling Technologies (CET) Market Monitor service. CET includes foundation and support software for the development and management of private clouds and cloud environments leveraged by providers offering public cloud services. Our CET database contains individual models on nearly 300 vendors. Each model includes customer-specific intelligence specific to companies (i.e., customers, pricing, deal sizes and trends) with a forecast that incorporates the unique traits, strengths and weaknesses of each vendor. Learn More admin@www.billcordell.com(凯特琳·巴克利) 研究与数据 2017年1月10日星期二18:14:49 +0000