事件- 451研究188宝金博网址是多少-分析企业IT创新的业务 按事件分类的博客条目//www.billcordell.com/blog/categories/17-events 星期四,2021年4月15日22:39:54 +0000 en - 直播:2020年10月投票数字脉冲:冠状病毒闪电调查的亮点 //www.billcordell.com/blog/2004-livestream-highlights-digital-pulse-coronavirus-flash-survey-october-2020 //www.billcordell.com/blog/2004-livestream-highlights-digital-pulse-coronavirus-flash-survey-october-2020 由于疫情持续蔓延,企业调整了对结束工作条件改变的期望,因此工作重点主要放在满足安全操作工作空间的需要上,包括永久承诺在家工作,采取各种办法在办公室保持距离,并额外考虑有孩子上学的员工。自3月以来,我们对中级和高级IT专业人员进行了调查,以了解企业在面对COVID-19时如何适应和规划未来。Liam Eagle和Melanie Posey在最近的直播中深入研究了第三次企业之声:数字脉冲,冠状病毒闪电调查(2020年10月)的主要发现。观看视频了解:
admin@www.billcordell.com(卡珊德拉·罗) 研究与数据 2020年10月23日星期五15:08:17 +0000
播客:冠状病毒大流行期间的互联网状况 //www.billcordell.com/blog/2001-podcast-state-of-internet-amid-coronavirus-pandemic //www.billcordell.com/blog/2001-podcast-state-of-internet-amid-coronavirus-pandemic 由于冠状病毒大流行导致国家处于关闭模式,家庭媒体使用量飙升,学生和远程工作人员的带宽消耗也增加了。senior analyst at 451 Research, and John Fletcher, a media analyst at Kagan - a research unit within S&P Global Market Intelligence, who were both recent guest speakers on the latest episode of "MediaTalk," an S&P Global Market Intelligence podcast.
admin@www.billcordell.com(卡珊德拉·罗) 研究与数据 2020年6月11日星期四15:08:29 +0000
庆祝第15届年度托管和云转型峰会-主持人与Aaron Sherrill的问答 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1995-celebrating-the-15th-annual-hosting-cloud-transformation-summit-%E2%80%93-presenter-q-a-part-5 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1995-celebrating-the-15th-annual-hosting-cloud-transformation-summit-%E2%80%93-presenter-q-a-part-5 专访Aaron Sherrill(高级分析师)任何关于托管或托管服务的讨论,如果不讨论安全性,都是不完整的。188bet金博宝是什么常驻管理安全服务专家Aaron Sherrill将在188bet金博宝是什么我们的“构建云信任”会议期间主持一个小组讨论。Cloud Transformation Summit (HCTS) on September 24 at 1:15pm PDT, in the Orovada Breakout Room 1 at the Aria in Las Vegas. Q: What will you be discussing in this session? A: Finding service providers that can be trusted has become a key concern for enterprises, particularly as cloud and service providers play a larger and increasingly critical role in enterprise strategies. My session, “Building the Cloud of Trust,” will dive into the challenging topic of trust. We will look at how trust in cloud and service providers has shifted over the last two decades, how that trust is continuing to transform, and how cloud service providers are fervently working on ways to prove they warrant trust from their customers. The session will be followed by a panel discussion focused on how cloud and service providers are building trust with their customers, and how enterprises are adapting to disruptive business models, with recommendations for both service providers and enterprises in an economy centered on trust. Q: Why is this topic significant? A: While contracts, SLAs and binding promises may provide an adequate standard of trust for some digital assets, most organizations are seeking a much higher standard of trust. Organizations need to know how their digital assets are protected, where those assets reside, how and why their assets are being accessed, and that services are functioning properly – in short, organizations want to verify, on demand, that service providers are doing what they said they would do. According to a recently commissioned study and 451 Research’s Voice of the Enterprise: Cloud, Hosting & Managed Services, Workloads and Key Projects 2019 survey, data privacy, security and loss of control are among the top barriers to enterprises leveraging cloud and service providers to a greater extent.Q: We are celebrating 15 years of our Hosting & Cloud Transformation Summit. What do you believe is the most valuable aspect of HCTS? A: HCTS always delivers presentations on relevant and compelling subject matter, with top-notch speakers and panels for the sessions, but I think the most valuable part of the conference is the one-on-one meetings. The meetings are a highlight not just for attendees, but also for analysts like me. The face-to-face discussions highlight 451 Research’s breadth of knowledge and expertise, and provide us with great insight into the most pressing issues of the day. Q: What was your biggest takeaway from last year’s HCTS? A: The move to managed services and subscription-based services is expanding into most every industry and technology. However, the move to this new model is much more challenging than most vendors and providers initially believed. Many technology and service providers are trying to better understand where they best fit in a hybrid, subscription-based world. Q: Many of our attendees return to this event annually. What do you think brings them back every year?  A: The data and content focused on digital enterprises and the role and importance of service providers in a hybrid and multi-cloud world provide great insight into a rapidly changing market. I believe most attendees discover new opportunities or find key insight that helps shape their business strategies for the coming years. Q: What are you excited to see/experience at this year’s Summit? A: It is always great to reconnect and meet new people at HCTS. I am looking forward to hearing from service providers about how they are tackling challenges in security, scalability and building trust, and how emerging technologies are impacting their strategies. Register today for HCTS and save 25% by using promo code BLOG25. Don't miss our other Q&As with speakers to learn about all the upcoming topics, including the previous Q&A with Craig Matsumoto. admin@www.billcordell.com(卡珊德拉·罗) 事件 2019年8月28日星期三11:20:14 +0000 庆祝第15届年度托管和云转型峰会-主持人与Craig Matsumoto的问答 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1994-celebrating-the-15th-annual-hosting-cloud-transformation-summit-%E2%80%93-presenter-q-a-part-4 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1994-celebrating-the-15th-annual-hosting-cloud-transformation-summit-%E2%80%93-presenter-q-a-part-4 采访高级分析师Craig Matsumoto

去年,我们欢迎高级分析师Craig Matsumoto加入451大家庭,我们很高兴他能在Hosting &云转型峰会(HCTS)。Craig将于9月24日下午1:15在拉斯维加斯Aria的Orovada分组讨论室主持“构建数据中心结构-数据中心世界中的网络机会”会议。< br / > < br / > <强>问:在这次会议你会讨论什么?

< strong>问:为什么这个话题很重要?
A:我认为云依赖的元素被低估了。随着越来越多的关键任务转移到遥远的地方——云、SaaS提供商,甚至边缘计算——我预计一些企业会发现互联网连接不足。我们将把主机托管作为一种替代方案来讨论,但是许多企业并没有从战略上考虑主机托管。 About 30% use colocation, and of those, 53% use it for disaster recovery. It suggests a slim, tactical view of colocation. Is there a richer role that third-party datacenters can play for enterprises? I want to start some discussion on that.
admin@www.billcordell.com(卡珊德拉·罗) 事件 2019年8月26日星期一12:30:41 +0000
庆祝第15届年度托管和云转型峰会-主持人与Carl Lehmann的问答 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1993-celebrating-the-15th-annual-hosting-cloud-transformation-summit-%E2%80%93-presenter-q-a-part-3 //www.billcordell.com/blog/1993-celebrating-the-15th-annual-hosting-cloud-transformation-summit-%E2%80%93-presenter-q-a-part-3 访谈首席分析师Carl Lehmann

自动化仍然是IT领域最热门的话题之一。首席分析师Carl Lehmann深知这一点,他将在《自动化的有效性——你准备好为未来竞争了吗?》Hosting &云转型峰会(HCTS)将于9月24日下午4点20分在拉斯维加斯Aria的Orovada分组讨论室举行。< br / > < br / > <强>问:在这次会议你会讨论什么?

A:要在现代数字化商业时代有效竞争,企业必须寻求新的竞争优势。 While there are many ways to achieve this, common to nearly all enterprises is the need to improve business and IT process efficiencies, and to automate these improvements so they execute reliably and consistently.

In a recent 451 Research survey, we asked business and IT decision-makers about their current and expected future automation efforts. Of the 881 respondents, 50% stated that automation in their IT environment is mostly manual, with some automated processes; 75% say they expect this to change, citing IT automation to increase in the next 12 months.
admin@www.billcordell.com(卡珊德拉·罗) 事件 2019年8月23日星期五13:26:13 +0000